Compliance / Lawyer of Trust
ProXES encourages all its employees and business partners to speak up directly and openly about any issues and concerns that may arise. If you have any information, questions, or suggestions you do not wish to address openly, you can contact our Lawyer of Trust, Mr. Thiel von Herff, in confidence.
Mr. Thiel von Herff
His contact data are as follows:
Dr. Carsten Thiel von Herff LL.M.
Loebellstr. 4
D-33602 Bielefeld
Phone +49 521 557 333 00
Fax +49 521 557 333 44

(1) What are the tasks of the Lawyer of Trust?
The Lawyer of Trust is an independent, external point of contact available to all ProXES employees and business partners, such as customers or suppliers. His tasks are to receive claims or complaints concerning potential breaches of compliance or the law and to investigate them for administrative or criminal offences.
(2) How is the independence of the Lawyer of Trust guaranteed?
The Lawyer of Trust is a self-employed lawyer and is under no obligation to take instructions. This guarantees his independence.
(3) How is my anonymity guaranteed?
The Lawyer of Trust is subject to the legal duty of professional secrecy of lawyers. He will only reveal the identity of a whistleblower or disclose the information / documents provided by the whistleblower if the whistleblower consents. If no such consent is granted, the identity of and the information/documents provided by the whistleblower will not be revealed.
(4) How can I contact the Lawyer of Trust?
The Lawyer of Trust can be contacted at the address provided above. Another possibility is to submit information using the link
(5) Who pays the fees of the Lawyer of Trust?
The Lawyer of Trust is free of charge for whistleblowers.