Combitherm: The Crème de la Crème of batch processing

The Combitherm is the perfect solution for the production of highly processed foods in large batches, whether creamy processed cheese, spicy spreads, dressings or vegetable and fruit purees. With its inclined operation, it ensures efficient mixing of all ingredients. Thanks to the proven direct steam injection, it heats quickly and gently. Scrapers in the agitator prevent deposits and optimize heat transfer from the double jacket. The integrated vacuum system also makes it possible to degas the product during processing. This minimizes oxidation and protects color and taste. 

Retrofitting with Microcut® for more power and greater processing efficiency

To achieve ultra-fine chopping and homogenization, consider retrofitting with a Microcut®. This external rotor/stator homogenizer efficiently processes solid ingredients, ensuring rapid and uniform results. A displacement pump installed at the lowest point of the vessel ensures even product distribution to the individually configurable tool set of the Stephan Microcut®. Furthermore, a circulation line directs the product back into the vessel. Not only does the product pump facilitate circulation, but it also functions as a discharge pump.

Your benefits with the Combitherm


When developing the Combitherm, our aim was to maximize efficiency in every process step. For example, the agitator can be conveniently controlled via the ProUI user interface. Thanks to the SPRO automatic recipe management system, even complex recipes can be easily implemented with just a few clicks.
ProXES, Development Team

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